I am Dawid Keyser. I live in Christchurch, pursuing web development.
I loved technology since I was a little kid. One of my earliest memories
is of the excitement I felt when I received my first computer. I spent
hours playing with it. Gaming and seeing technology change and transform
the world around me.
I am fascinated by the endless possibilities of creating and building with
code, and being able to mix creativity with logic. I completed postgraduate
university studies and I am now self learning web development. I am working
on a small projects as I build experience and learn.
Frontend Mentor Challenges
Self Learning
Improve your front-end skills by building real projects. Solve real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges whilst working to professional designs
University of Auckland
University Student
During my studies we learnt web-based applications, client-side technologies (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript) and server-side technologies (nodeJS, ExpressJS, Handlebars, and Cookies) to support dynamic web pages and data access. Fundamental relational database concepts and design techniques using ER diagrams and SQLite. Build a web-based application that dynamically generates content involving relational database access.